Ohio Columbia Sheep Association
What a membership means to you
A membership in the Ohio Columbia Sheep Breeders Association can mean many things to a Columbia breeder. It means that a person has a voting right to help guide the Association through the years. They may attend Association meetings to voice their opinion and vote on major issues of the Columbia sheep industry.
A membership also means savings in fees which are necessary for registrations, transfers, etc. Over the period of a few short months a new member can make up their membership fee and continue to save on the entries and transfers. Non-member rates are triple regular membership fees.
How to become a member
If you are the owner of Registered Columbia Sheep, you may secure a membership by contacting the Ohio Columbia Sheep Association for a blank application or you can download and print a copy below.
Annual Dues and Junior Membership - Ohio
Association dues are to be paid on or before the first transaction of business each calendar year.
Senior membership dues (Ohio): $10 per year.
Junior (under 22 years of age) membership dues (Ohio): $5 per year.
For voting rights, senior membership dues must be paid.
Constitution & Bylaws (revised June 2010)
Click here to view the Ohio Association Constitution